My Advent calendar:
I challenge myself to each day till Christmas fill a bag with stuff from this house and trash it,
either to the dustbin or recycling or charity, but it has to leave the house.
I'm feeling a bit down at the moment - house-wise. I've been throwing out trash for two weeks, I'm more than halfway on my calendar - and it doesn't show! On the contrary - the house looks more cluttered now than ever. I've been so focused on looking for things to throw out it seems I have completely forgotten about the finishing touches - how to keep it neat and tidy.

I'm not inspired to go trash-hunting today. I know I have the heavy tasks ahead of me and I'm dreading it. The heavy tasks being sorting through my crafting stuff and all kinds of paper work - because there's way too much of it and there has to be a lot of decisionmaking - what to keep - what to let go.
So for today's post I'm doing a light version. I've picked out a few big pieces of furniture/equipment that have been in store around the house and are now ready to let go. I've made an ad for some of the items, what do not sell will be donated.
So this makes my fourteenth load of trash.
Beads on strings that my daughter made for the Christmas tree. What lovely colours!
So, we've been crafting for Christmas, my daughter and I. We got these beads in these gorgous colours and made little pendants of them to go on the Christmas tree. It's so nice - sitting in-doors doing things like this together, not minding the rain and wind.
I'm feeling a bit down at the moment - house-wise. I've been throwing out trash for two weeks, I'm more than halfway on my calendar - and it doesn't show! On the contrary - the house looks more cluttered now than ever. I've been so focused on looking for things to throw out it seems I have completely forgotten about the finishing touches - how to keep it neat and tidy.
I'm not inspired to go trash-hunting today. I know I have the heavy tasks ahead of me and I'm dreading it. The heavy tasks being sorting through my crafting stuff and all kinds of paper work - because there's way too much of it and there has to be a lot of decisionmaking - what to keep - what to let go.
So for today's post I'm doing a light version. I've picked out a few big pieces of furniture/equipment that have been in store around the house and are now ready to let go. I've made an ad for some of the items, what do not sell will be donated.
So this makes my fourteenth load of trash.
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Awesome blogg you have here