Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trash calendar no 7: A blue angel

My Advent calendar:
I challenge myself to each day till Christmas fill a bag with stuff from this house and trash it,
either to the dustbin or recycling or charity, but it has to leave the house.
A little blue angel - spreading her protecting wings
Because we have so little space we made a Christmas tree of a piece of MDF a couple of years ago.
It was cut to the shape of a tree - or maybe a rocket or a tulip upside down?
Even though we have decided on a real Christmas tree this year,
my daughter wanted to decorate our flat tree.

She was so enjoying herself; decorating and singing away- making up the texts and tunes as she went along.
At the top is the newest decor, then the old favourites, then the rest.
If there were pairs then they sholud hang together -so as not to be alone.
The little blue angel is not a favourte and was allowed a spot almost to the bottom.

I made sure I didn't interfere or give "advice" on the decorating, this year my daughter rules the deocrating style at our house:)

This post's joining nib's challenge to show the Christmas decor in our house.

For my trash calendar no 7  I sorted through some papers and made this pile to be the seventh bag of trash.


  1. Jeg gleder meg til kalenderen din hver dag og bli kjempeinspirert!

  2. Helt enig! For en ide! :) Tusen takk for kommentar på siden min! klem Hege
