Saturday, December 24, 2011

Trash calendar - no 24: House tour

My Advent calendar:
I challenge myself to each day till Christmas fill a bag with stuff from this house and trash it,
either to the dustbin or recycling or charity, but it has to leave the house.

This is the final post in my Advent Calendar 2011.
Come join me on a little house tour.
It is the same house as before,
but to us a brand new home.

From all of us to all of you 


  1. It looks lovely! Well done! :) love the idea! Merry Christmas! Hege

  2. Godt jobbet, du har all grunn til å være stolt! Kan tenke meg det føles godt. Jeg skal ihvertfall ta med meg inspirasjonen du har gitt videre inn i det nye året. Fortsatt god jul til deg!
