Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Trash calendar - no 21: Memory boxes

My Advent calendar:
I challenge myself to each day till Christmas fill a bag with stuff from this house and trash it,
either to the dustbin or recycling or charity, but it has to leave the house.

It's getting increasingly more diifficult to find things to trash. But I'm not quite there yet so I have to keep looking. Today I found most of the stuff in the upstairs closet.

Also I started looking through a couple of boxes of old and new greeting cards and photos - and for a while there I kind of got lost in the old times.
Found a couple of so sweet letterheads that I had when I was a little girl - clearly I didn't write too many letters:) And the little figurine's also very typical of my childhood decade - the 70's.
And look what I had kept - a 10 NOK note - it's ages since they were used:)

My pile of trash for number twenty-one.

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