Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to work

Vacation is over.
Tomorrow's back to work.
Lazy days are past.
I've had a lovely summer and vacation,
and although I feel  ready for work again,
it's an effort to change back to everyday life. 
So Im preparing myself for work.

The relaxing solitaire and nail polish have to make way for the executive sharpened pencils and glasses.

Love my new glasses. I'll probably not wear them to work tomorrow, as I'm still trying to get used to them. 

But I will be wearing this bright yellow nail polish
- just in case the office should seem a bit dull:)  

Wish everyone a nice week:)


  1. Lykke til:) Håper du sitter igjen med minner om en god sommer.
    Mine negler er ogs lakket, men med en slags rosa farge.
