Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Here I am - this is me

I rearranged the bookshelves in the living room a couple of weeks ago - and I'm very pleased with it. 
It feels so me!
This has it all, because in decorating I love 
- light
- books
- vintage and retro
- the severity of black & white,
- but also a splash of happy colours. 
- graphic patterns, particularly stripes
- wood
- flowers

There are more pictures of the shelves in this post.

This picture is my contribution in NIB's challenge 'Here I am  - this is me'. 


  1. Very nice! I like the colors you use and that is organized ;)

    Lykke til

  2. Kjempefint, liker stilen, litt farger, litt nøytralt, litt humor:)

    Fin dag til deg.

  3. Flott bilde! Så lurt å snu bøkene for et roligere uttrykk, clever!! Stikkordene dine kunne vært mine også, føler meg hjemme her ;-) klem

  4. Så smart å snu bøkene ja. Så nettop mAlerier bak frem. Bøker funket også! Finfint.

  5. Fint! Flott bilde
    Ønsker deg en fin ny uke
    Klem Tonje
