In the north east corner of the garden, next to the hostas, I wanted to make a shrubbery.
I had five shrubs that needed a place to live, from the left; a dontknowwhat, a Juniperus medla (in Norwegian kinaeiner), a spirea, a symphoficarpus albus (in Norwegian snøballtre) and a
Symphoricarpus albus "White Hedge" (Hagesnøbær). Gives small pink flowers in June-July. White fruits the entire winter. Like it best in sun. Hight 1 m.
The spot I chose for the new shrubbery is just to the right of the hostas.
The weeds had completely taken over this spot so it was quite a lot of work to prepare it for planting.
Here the weed has been cut back, the bushes laid out to be planted and I am trying out various placements for them before deciding which goes where.
Then it was time for digging; all of the weed and quite a lot of smaller and bigger stones had to come up. The soil was compact and sandy and full of stones - I felt it took forever.
I didn't do it all in one go - but divided it into three sessions with a couple of weeks in between.
When planting I tried to make room for growth - particularly the rhododendron is supposed to grow a lot bigger.
This meant the bushes are planted quite far apart, leaving this corner not at all as the luscious shrubbery I had imagined.
For the open spaces I'll plant some tulips for the spring blossoming, here I've laid out where I want them to go.
Still left to do is tidy up in the shrubbery, remove a lot of the stones in the soil, and also make the borders to the street and the neighbour better looking.